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Journalist Tuncay Özkan and retired general Veli Küçük were sentenced to aggravated life sentences, while Workers' Party leader Doğu Perinçek received 117 years in prison.
Republican People's Party (CHP) deputy Mustafa Balbay was sentenced to 24 years in prison.
Retired colonel Arif Doğan was also sentenced to 47 years. Both Küçük and Doğan were accused of founding and leading a terrorist organization and trying to overthrow the government.
The court sentenced lieutenant colonel Mustafa Dönmez 49 years in prison. Dönmez has previously made the news when auhtorities refused to permit him to travel by sea for the funeral ceremony of his son for fear he could make an escape.
On similar charges, the court sentenced former head of the Higher Education Board of Turkey (YÖK) Kemal Gürüz to 13 years and 11 months, historian Mehmet Perinçek, who is the son of Doğu Perinçek, to six years, and alleged mob leader Sedat Peker was given a 10 year sentence. Former North Sea Field Commander Mehmet Otuzbiroğlu was sentenced to 20 years and 6 months.
Journalist Erol Manisalı was sentenced to nine years. Author Ergün Poyraz was handed down a 29 years and four months sentence while journalist Güler Kömürcü was sentenced to seven years and six months.
Workers’ Party (İP) executives Hayrettin Ertekin was sentenced to 16 years, Hikmet Çiçek was sentenced to 21 years and nine months. The party's lawyer Emcet Olcaytu received 13 years and two months.
Former rectors Ferit Bernay and Mustafa Abbas were each sentenced to ten years in prison.
Bedirhan Şinal, a suspect of the attack on daily Cumhuriyet, was sentenced to 18 years and eight months in prison.
Former police chief Adil Serdar Saçan was sentenced to 14 years in prison. Former mayor Gürbüz Çapan received one year.
Retired general İsmail Hakkı Pekin was sentenced to seven years, journalist Adnan Bulut were sentenced to six years. Adnan Türkkan and Alaaddin Sevim were sentenced to ten years, according to verdict.
21 suspects were released from the Ergenekon coup case as the announcement of the verdict continues at the Silivri Courthouse.
The case was dismissed for three suspects who had died during the course of the Ergenekon trials.
Before the verdict was announced, Mustafa Balbay said the government aimed to “hide away the case from the public.”
“A warm autumn is coming. They want to take over this case. We will not let it happen. This case is political. They want to hide away the case from the public,” Balbay said.
The case, which began in 2007 with the discovery of 27 hand grenades in a house in Istanbul, has seen some of the country’s most prominent figures detained and arrested, including the likes of former Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ, CHP deputies Mehmet Haberal and Mustafa Balbay and journalists Tuncay Özkan and İlhan Selçuk.
A total of 275 suspects, 66 of them under arrest, were awaiting rulings this morning. Some 33 indictments have been submitted in the course of the Ergenekon trials, which saw over 130 witnesses testify at hearings.
Καταδίκες και αθωώσεις για την «Εργκενεκόν»...
ReplyDeleteΚαταδικαστικές αποφάσεις εξέδωσε σήμερα το δικαστήριο στο Σιλιβρί της Κωνσταντινούπολης για την πολύκροτη υπόθεση της Εργκενεκόν, ενώ 21 κατηγορούμενοι κρίθηκαν αθώοι. Η ακροαματική διαδικασία συνεχίζεται.
Σύμφωνα με την Χουριέτ, το δικαστήριο επέβαλε φυλάκιση 6 ετών στον ιστορικό Μεχμέτ Περιντζέκ, γιο του αρχηγού του κόμματος των Εργατικών, ενώ στον φερόμενο ως υποκινητή, Σεντάτ Πεκέρ, δέκα χρόνια. Ακόμη σε 47 χρόνια καταδικάστηκε ο στρατηγός Αρίφ Ντογάν, σε 20 χρόνια ο πρώην διοικητής Μεχμέτ Οτουζμπίρογλου, ο εν αποστρατεία στρατηγός Ισμαήλ Χακί Πεκίν σε 7 χρόνια, ο δημοσιογράφος Αντνάν Μπουλούτ σε έξι, ενώ σε δέκα χρόνια φυλάκιση καταδικάστηκαν ο Αντνάν Τουρκάν και ο Αλαντίν Σεβίμ.
Ακόμη, 21 εκ των κατηγορουμένων κρίθηκαν αθώοι, ενώ η ακροαματική διαδικασία συνεχίζεται. Η υπόθεση απορρίφθηκε για τρεις υπόπτους οι οποίοι έχασαν τη ζωή τους κατά τη διάρκεια των δικών για την Εργκενεκόν.
Για την υπόθεση, που ξεκίνησε του 2007 με την ανακάλυψη 27 χειροβομβίδων σε σπίτι στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, έχουν συλληφθεί μερικές από τις πιο επιφανείς προσωπικότητες της Τουρκίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του πρώην επικεφαλής των Ενόπλων Δυνάμενω, στρατηγού Ιλκέρ Μπασμπούγ, των αντιπροέδρων του Ρεπουμπλικανικού Λαϊκού Κόμματος, Μεχμέτ Χαμπεράλ και Μουσταφά Μπαλμπάι, καθώς και των δημοσιογράφων Τουντζάι Οζκάν και Ιλχάν Σελτζούκ.
Οι 275 κατηγορούμενοι, 66 εκ των οποίων έχουν συλληφθεί, περιμένουν την ετυμηγορία.
Νωρίτερα, οι τουρκικές δυνάμεις ασφαλείας χρησιμοποίησαν δακρυγόνα για να διαλύσουν τους διαδηλωτές που συγκεντρώθηκαν κοντά στην αίθουσα του δικαστηρίου.
Όπως έγραψε στην ιστοσελίδα της η εφημερίδα Hurriyet, πλήθος συγκεντρώθηκε κοντά στο δικαστήριο του Σιλιβρί παρά τις προειδοποιήσεις της αστυνομίας.....http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=22769&subid=2&pubid=63868518
Ergenekon Davası'nda karar açıklanıyor...
ReplyDeleteAğır Ceza Mahkemesi, tarihi Ergenekon davasında kararını veriyor. Hakimlerin de yerini almasının ardından karar okunmaya başladı.
Mahkeme başkanı kararı açıklarken, "Ergnenekon Terör Örgütü Suçundan" ifadesini kullanarak kararını açıklamaya başladı.
Aralarında Ali Yiğit, Süleyman Esen ve Salih Kunter'in de aralarında bulunduğu 21 kişiye beraat kararı çıktı.
Mahkeme, firari sanıklar Bedrettin Dalan ve Turan Çömez'in dosyası ayırdı. Yargılama sırasında hayatını kaybeden sanıkların davası ise düştü.
Turkish court begins announcing Ergenekon verdicts...
ReplyDeleteThe Silivri court, west of Istanbul, acquitted 21 suspects in the first verdicts to come in Monday for the battleground trial of 275 people accused of plotting to topple the government as part of the so-called Ergenekon network.
The defendants faced dozens of charges, with prosecutors claiming the alleged network of secular arch-nationalists carried out extra-judicial killings and bombings in order to trigger a military coup.
The "Ergenekon" network is allegedly made up of loosely connected branches with the goal of toppling Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) and restructuring Turkey on a nationalist footing.
The high-profile case has exposed deep divisions in Turkish society and is seen as a key test in the decade-long conflict between Prime Minister Erdogan and Turkey's secularist establishment.....http://www.dw.de/turkish-court-begins-announcing-ergenekon-verdicts/a-16997735
Gericht verhängt lange Haftstrafen im Ergenekon-Prozess...
ReplyDeleteEin türkisches Gericht hat mutmaßliche Angehörige eines Geheimbundes zu langen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Sie sollen einen Putsch gegen die Regierung Erdoğan geplant haben.
Ein Gericht in der Türkei hat langjährige Haftstrafen gegen mutmaßliche Angehörige eines Geheimbundes verhängt, der Putschpläne gegen die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan verfolgt haben soll. Ein ehemaliger Brigadegeneral wurde zu lebenslanger Haft, ein früherer Oberst zu 47 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Andere ehemalige Militärs erhielten Haftstrafen von bis zu 20 Jahren, wie türkische Medien berichteten.
21 der insgesamt 275 Angeklagten, darunter Militärs, Abgeordnete, Politiker, Journalisten und Akademiker, wurden freigesprochen.
Die Beschuldigten hatten die Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen. Das Verfahren dauerte knapp fünf Jahre. Insgesamt hatten Ermittler 400 Personen festgenommen.
Angeklagt waren insgesamt 276 Personen, unter ihnen Politiker, Journalisten, Professoren und ranghohe Armeeangehörige wie der frühere Generalstabschef Ilker Basburg. Ziel des Ergenekon-Netzes war es nach Darstellung der Anklage, mit gezielten politischen Morden und Bombenattentaten einen Militärputsch gegen die islamisch orientierte Regierung Erdoğan auszulösen. Unter anderem wird der Gruppe vorgeworfen, für Anschläge auf Angehörige christlicher Minderheiten verantwortlich zu sein.
Die türkische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft stuft Ergenekon als ultranationalistische Untergrundgruppe und terroristische Vereinigung ein. Sie strebt den Anschuldigungen zufolge eine Wiedererrichtung des Großtürkischen Reiches an. Der Name Ergenekon geht auf ein sagenhaftes Tal in Zentralasien zurück, in dem die Turkvölker der Legende nach einst Zuflucht fanden.
Vor dem eigens für den Prozess gebauten Gerichtssaal versammelten sich trotz eines Verbots etwa 200 Demonstranten. Türkische Medien berichteten, die Polizei sei mit Tränengas gegen Protestierende vorgegangen. Einsatzkräfte hätten die Zufahrtsstraßen nach Silivri abgeriegelt und den Luftraum bis zum Abend gesperrt. Seit Sonntag fing die türkische Polizei mehrere Busse mit Unterstützern der Angeklagten auf dem Weg nach Silivri ab.....http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2013-08/tuerkei-prozess-urteil-ergenekon-erdogan
Τουρκία - Εργκένεκον: Ισόβια στον απόστρατο στρατηγό Μπασμπούγ ...Βαριές ποινές, αλλά και 21 αθωώσεις ...
ReplyDeleteΤουρκικό δικαστήριο καταδίκασε τη Δευτέρα σε ισόβια κάθειρξη τον πρώην αρχηγό των τουρκικών ενόπλων δυνάμεων, απόστρατο στρατηγό Ιλκέρ Μπασμπούγ για την υπόθεση.
Το δικαστήριο στο Σιλιβρί, δυτικά της Κωνσταντινούπολης, καταδίκασε επίσης σε ποινές φυλάκισης και κάθειρξης έως και 47 ετών ορισμένους από τους 275 κατηγορούμενους για την ίδια υπόθεση, ενώ απάλλαξε από τις κατηγορίες 21 από αυτούς.
Μερικοί εκ των κατηγορουμένων, μεταξύ των οποίων ένας ιστορικός, απόστρατοι αξιωματούχοι του στρατού, δημοσιογράφοι και συγγραφείς, καταδικάστηκαν σε ποινές φυλάκισης και κάθειρξης από έξι έως 47 ετών, σύμφωνα με την ηλεκτρονική έκδοση της εφημερίδας Hürriyet.
Ο απόστρατος συνταγματάρχης, Αρίφ Ντογάν, καταδικάστηκε σε 47 χρόνια κάθειρξης, ο πρώην διοικητής του στόλου της Βόρειας Θάλασσας, Μεχμέτ Οτουζμπίρογλου, καταδικάστηκε σε 20ετή ποινή κάθειρξης και ο δημοσιογράφος Ερόλ Μανίσαλι σε ποινή φυλάκισης εννέα ετών.
Το δικαστήριο ανακοινώνει τις αποφάσεις του ξεχωριστά για τον καθέναν από τους κατηγορούμενους.
Οι εισαγγελείς υποστηρίζουν ότι ένα δίκτυο αποτελούμενο από εθνικιστές με την κωδική ονομασία «Εργκένεκον» επεδίωξε ανεπιτυχώς να ανατρέψει την κυβέρνηση του ισλαμιστή πρωθυπουργού Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, οργανώνοντας βίαιες αποσταθεροποιητικές ενέργειες ώστε να προλειανθεί το έδαφος για επέμβαση του στρατού.
Οι κατηγορούμενοι αρνούνται τις κατηγορίες.
Πηγές: ΑΜΠΕ, Reuters, Γερμανικό Πρακτορείο
Turkey's former chief of general staff demands release over PM Erdoğan’s remarks....
DeleteFormer Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ, who was sentenced to life in prison as part of the Ergenekon coup plot trial, has filed a petition for his release citing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement that there are “gangs within the state” as proof of his innocence.
İlkay Sezer, the former top soldier’s lawyer, asked in his petition to the Istanbul 13th Court of Serious Crimes that it take into account Erdoğan’s recent statements over the existence of a “gang within state” and find “those who are indeed guilty.”
If the court would have heard Erdoğan as a witness over his statements that a group infiltrated the state, police and judiciary, then it would have been clear who is actually guilty at the present moment, Başbuğ’s lawyer said in his petition to the court.
Erdoğan, asserting a defiant tone, labeled a recent graft probe, in which two sons of his ministers are under arrest, as an ill-intentioned plot of local and foreign actors that aims to topple the government. The prime minister also vowed to settle scores with “gangs within the state” and “members of the parallel state” who prepared the plot against the government.
More than 70 police officers, including the head of the Istanbul police, have been dismissed or moved to different posts since the detention of the bribery suspects began last week.
Başbuğ was given a life sentence in a landmark verdict in the Ergenekon coup plot case on Aug. 5, 2013. The court did not reveal its reasoning and decided on the continuation of the arrest of Başbuğ as a precaution until its reasoning is released. Sezer, however, said the court had to announce its reasoning for the continuation of Başbuğ’s arrest monthly, but failed to do so and demanded the release of Başbuğ.
Some 275 suspects were given sentences in August 2013, receiving hundreds of years of imprisonment in total, with many high-ranking army members, journalists and academics being given aggravated life sentences.
Langjährige Haftstrafen im „Ergenekon“-Prozess...
ReplyDeleteEin früherer Oberst ist im „Ergenekon“-Prozess zu 47 Jahren Haft verurteilt wurden. Auch andere frühere Militärs erhielten lange Gefängnisstrafen. Der Vorwurf: Putsch-Pläne gegen die Regierung von Premier Erdogan.
Ein Gericht in der Türkei hat langjährige Haftstrafen gegen mutmaßliche Angehörige eines Geheimbundes verhängt, der Putschpläne gegen die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan verfolgt haben soll. Ein früherer Oberst wurde am Montag zu 47 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Andere ehemalige Militärs erhielten Haftstrafen von bis zu 20 Jahren, wie türkische Medien berichteten. 21 der 275 Angeklagten – darunter Militärs, Journalisten und Akademiker – seien freigesprochen worden. ....http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/tuerkei-langjaehrige-haftstrafen-im-ergenekon-prozess/8596006.html
Turquie : des condamnations à perpétuité dans le procès Ergenekon...
ReplyDeleteAu total, 275 personnes dont des généraux ou des journalistes sont jugés depuis 2008 dans un procès que l'opposition considère comme destiné à faire taire les pro-laïcité.
La justice turque a annoncé lundi la condamnation à perpétuité d’anciens hauts gradés de l’armée à Silivri, près d’Istanbul, dans le procès des putschistes présumés contre le gouvernement islamo-conservateur de Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Parmi les condamnés figurent l’ancien chef d’Etat-major des armées Ilker Basbug ou encore l'ancien chef de la première armée Hursit Tolon, condamné pour «tentative de renversement de l’ordre constitutionnel par la force».
Au total, 275 personnes dont des généraux, des journalistes et des chefs de la pègre, sont jugés depuis 2008 dans le cadre de ce procès dénoncé par l’opposition laïque comme visant à faire à écarter du champ politique les opposants pro-laïcité.
Auparavant, 21 prévenus avaient au contraire obtenu leur libération. Plus de 10 000 manifestants, interdits de rassemblement, ont contourné les différents barrages policiers pour rejoindre le tribunal de Silivri. Seuls les avocats, les prévenus, les journalistes et des parlementaires ont été autorisés à rejoindre la salle d’audience.
Un peu plus tôt, la police a fait usage de gaz lacrymogènes pour tenter d’empêcher un groupe d’environ 1 000 personnes de rejoindre le tribunal.
My conscience is clear, says Turkey's former army chief sentenced to life in prison...
ReplyDeleteFormer Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ released a short statement following the Ergenekon verdict sentencing him to life in prison, stating that his conscience was clear and that the “final say is the people’s say.”
“For those who have been tried under these circumstances, the final say is the people’s say. And the people are never wrong and are never deceived,” Başbuğ said.
“Those who have always stood beside the righteous people, beside justice, have a clear conscience. I am one of those people,” the former army chief added.
Suspects’ daughters Tuncay Özkan and Dursun Çiçek staged a protest outside the courthouse minutes after the verdict was announced. Özkan attempted to walk out of the courtroom following the announcement, but was prevented from doing so. Arif Doğan, who was sentenced to 47 years, yelled, “Hang me!” after the judge read the verdict, according to daily Hürriyet.
The verdict prompted responses from suspects and outsiders alike as Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Sinan Aygün, who was sentenced to 13 years and six months, said he respected the decision, adding that CHP head Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu “did not expect so many life sentences.”
Kılıçdaroğlu was surprised for high number of life imprisonments, Aygün told reporters after the meeting.
Aygün referred the next stage to the high court, and said he would continue working for a new charter. .....http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/my-conscience-is-clear-says-turkeys-former-army-chief-sentenced-to-life-in-prison.aspx?pageID=238&nID=52049&NewsCatID=339
Clashes erupt after Turkey trial verdicts...
ReplyDeletePolice disperse protesters gathered around courthouse as ex-army chief and many others sentenced in conspiracy trial.
Protesters have clashed with police forces as a Turkish court handed down judgements in a conspiracy case that has exposed deep divisions in the country.
After the verdicts were announced on Monday, fierce clashes erupted between police and about 10,000 protesters near the courthouse in Silivri, a town in the outskirts of Istanbul
Demonstrators threw stones at riot police who responded with water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets to break up the protest that was blocking traffic.
Hundreds of people also took to streets in the capital, Ankara, to protest against the court ruling, chanting: "We are soldiers of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk," a reference to the founder of modern Turkey.....http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2013/08/201385145137288375.html
Gnadenlose Abrechnung in Erdogans Schauprozess...
ReplyDeleteEin geheimnisvolles Netzwerk, mächtige Generäle, finstere Pläne – das ist der Stoff, aus dem der Ergenekon-Prozess gewoben war. Nun endet er mit knallharten Haftstrafen für vermeintliche Verschwörer.
Am Tag des Urteils ist die Türkei von Europa abgeschnitten. Die Innenstadt von Istanbul ist von Sicherheitskräften abgeriegelt, die Brücken über den Bosporus sind gesperrt. Schon in der Nacht zuvor sind Demonstrationen gegen Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan rund um den Taksim-Platz und den nahe gelegenen Gezi-Park im Herzen der Stadt mit Knüppeln und Wasserwerfern auseinandergetrieben worden. Wie eine Burg ist der Verhandlungsort in einem Gefängnis westlich der Stadt gesichert, mit mehreren Reihen Stahlgittern und behelmten Polizisten mit Fiberglasschilden. Nichts soll den Höhepunkt dieser fünfjährigen Inszenierung stören, die Erdogan zu seinem eigenen Historiendrama stilisiert hat: den Ergenekon-Prozess.
Denn was im Innern des Gerichtssaals passiert, ist in der Tat einzigartig in der türkischen Geschichte. Da wird am frühen Montagnachmittag Ilker Basbug wegen angeblicher Putschpläne zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt, der türkische Generalstabschef der Jahre 2008 bis 2010. Die Armeechefs waren in den Jahrzehnten seit der Gründung der türkischen Republik meist die mächtigsten Männer im Staat, in ihrer Machtvollkommenheit über allen Parteien stehend und oft genug über den Gesetzen, selbst der Verfassung.....http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article118717003/Gnadenlose-Abrechnung-in-Erdogans-Schauprozess.html
US, EU avoid to comment on Ergenekon verdicts, concerned for judicial process....
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. and the European Union declined to comment Aug.5 on the verdicts of Turkey's Ergenekon coup plot case that resulted in several aggravated life sentences for high-ranking army officials including a former chief of staff general while acknowledging concerns over the manner in which the judicial process was held.
"We won’t comment on any eventual outcome of an appeal, but we’ll continue watching the process," a deputy spokesperson of the U.S. State Department, Marie Harf, said during a daily press briefing, adding that the U.S. would continue watching the issue.
Harf stated that the U.S. acknowledges Turkish citizens' serious concerns regarding the length of the trial process as well as the lack of transparency in this trial and the manner in which these verdicts and sentences were reached.
"We’re following the media reports of the verdicts and the severity of the sentences in this case which are being handed down," she said.
EU concerned for judicial process
The European Union, for its part, avoided commenting on the substance of the individual court rulings, in a statement by the Commission, while expressing concern in the light of European standards over the way the judicial process was carried out in Turkey, as a candidate country.
“The EU has indicated on a number of occasions its concerns over the rights of the defense, the lengthy pre-trial detention and the excessively long and "catch-all" indictments [indictments that are too general],” the statement read.
The verdict trial for the Ergenekon case was held Aug.5 at Istanbul’s Silivri Courthouse and ruled for severe punishments to be imposed on a total of 275 suspects at the end of the five-year process.
Turkish Army calls for calm and restraint over coup plot verdicts...
ReplyDeleteTurkish Armed Forces call for restrain amid heated public response to the Ergenekon verdicts as government figures praise the trial for allowing the country to face its tradition of military coups.
The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) called for restraint and patience with regard to the Ergenekon coup case, in which many high-ranking army officials, including the former chief of General Staff, were sentenced to severe punishments for coup attempts, as government officials praised the verdicts.
Both retired and active army members were given prison sentences as result of the Aug. 5 verdict trial, which ended the five-year Ergenekon run, and the TSK response came a day after the announcements.
The Armed Forces called for “restraint, patience and calm” during the procession of the verdicts in order to avoid misunderstandings, while adding that the institution “deeply shares the sadness felt by our brothers in arms and their families.”
TSK further said the institution had faith in a certain verdict that would end the process, which would be achieved through fair judicial proceedings.
Justice and Development Party (AKP) figures however responded favorably to the rulings with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s chief political adviser, Yalçın Akdoğan, describing the coup case as a “turning point for Turkish democracy.”.....http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-army-calls-for-calm-and-restraint-over-coup-plot-verdicts.aspx?pageID=238&nID=52107&NewsCatID=339
Ergenekon verdict should have political impacts: PM's chief adviser Akdoğan...
ReplyDeleteThe process that started with the Ergenekon investigation will also have political impacts, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's chief political adviser, Yalçın Akdoğan, said Aug. 7, explaining his previous tweets stating that the trial was "the biggest settling of accounts in Turkish history."
"The [Ergenekon trial verdict] is important politically as well because our political [evolution] requires political cleanings," Akdoğan said in remarks to private broadcaster Kanal 24.
"In other words, [those with] the mentality defending the [military] tutelage and status quo can see that they won't get away with what they do, thanks to the judiciary. The trial of a mentality which has attempted a coup is politically significant," he added.
Commenting on the current risks of a coup in Turkey, Akdoğan said certain problems and necessities were still at stake. "This is a struggle. The important thing here is how much you can protect and strengthen the democratic structure."
Akdoğan also admitted that the trial acquired a "human side" due to the heavy sentences, noting that an appeal process was still open.
"These trials have several different aspects. The mere fact that very important people from different parts of society have been tried is very important. That the claims of an attempted coup became subject of a trial make is more significant. That's why what I said about a 'legal settling of accounts' is very important."